Why this blog?

In my 26 years of life I have found that the most awkward, peculiar things happen to me. No matter the group of people, I always have some type of story to tell... sometimes unbelievable. I can't be embarrassed anymore, yet just say to myself with a smile, "Only me!"

Monday, March 8, 2010

You ain't my momma!

As a child did you ever grab the hand of another woman in the grocery store thinking it was your own mothers hand, but the softness was different and the grasp wasn't as tight and when you glanced up it was a complete stranger? I've done this many times as a kid. I've even jumped onto the cart of someone else and when it came to a sudden halt, the elderly woman on the other end looked at me with utter confusion. Embarrassment shone on my face like sunburn as I ran from her.
Now as an adult, I guess these things still happen. Just yesterday I was in a department store shopping with my sister and mom. I came up to one rack, my sister at my side, and saw a puff of red hair on the woman on the other side of the rack. I simply said, in a rather loud voice, "Hey Momma!" Before I could even tell I did something wrong, I heard my sister sigh and full of embarrassment say, "Kristina! Oh my gossshhhhh!" as she hung her head low. I popped up and there she was, a pretty woman, but not my mom. I laughed and tried to explain myself to her, but she just went back to shopping and ignored me. My explanation got the attention of the other shoppers around me and I felt a blushing come over my face. I slipped away from that section and shared a good laugh with my sister.
Only me.

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